Nikki Alexander


Nikki is a member of the following organisations:-

Animal Health Professions Register (AHPR) Registrant No. AHPR190007

Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP) Registrant No. 00837

McTimoney Animal Association (MAA) Member No. 220

British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Member No. 26512

International Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT)

British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)

Nikki Alexander is the owner of Fleximetry and is based locally to the areas of Montgomeryshire, Powys, Mid Wales, North Wales, Cheshire, Shropshire and the Welsh Marches.

With an MSc in McTimoney Animal Manipulation, a Post Graduate Certificate in Equine Science (Orthopaedics/Exercise Physiology/Digestion & Nutrition) and a Diploma in Animal Physiotherapy, she is a qualified and approved Animal Physical Therapist.  She has owned, ridden and trained horses for over 45 years.

Training in saddle and bridle fitting with the Society of Master Saddlers has also been undertaken.

 Professional Indemnity and Malpractice Insurance and both Professional and Public Liability Insurance are in place giving you peace of mind.

As Nikki is committed to maintaining her skills and increasing her knowledge base, she completes plenty of CPD (Continued Professional Development) by attending training courses and seminars.  Membership of the various organisations requires a minimum of 25 hours of CPD are completed per year. Proof of CPD attendance can be provided if required.

 To find out more or if you want to chat, call Nikki Alexander on 07788 723205 or email:

Nikki Is registered with the Animal Health Profession’s Register and the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners

Therapists can be registered with AHPR and RAMP; only if they are suitably qualified - having completed an accredited training course, show proof of professional insurance and proof of completion of required CPD hours.